Why do we use genuine parts?

It can be rare for repair shops to use brand new OEM (original equipment manufacturer) replacement parts. Here at Busselton Panel and Paint we take pride in the quality of our work. That’s why, where possible, we use genuine or oem. This means that the part being purchased is made specifically for the make and model of your car. OEM parts are brand new, tend to fit better, durable, reliable and are made to higher standards, however because of this oem, parts tend to be more expensive. As the authorisied repairer for your car we are warranting the car repairs, we are fixing your car to its original state or better.

Aftermarket or non-genuine parts are new parts but not sourced from the car’s original manufacturer. Often some adjustment will be required for aftermarket parts to fit / sit properly.

Recycled or second-hand parts are genuine but often require some repair as they come from salvage vehicles. The availability of the parts also relies on the car that have come in.

  • OEM parts
  • Made by car’s manufacturer
  • More expensive
  • Fit your car perfectly
  • Aftermarket parts
  • Made by a third-party company
  • Lower-priced
  • Tend to fit many cars
